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Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about FairyVaults.

You have a suggestion for a new feature?

We're always open to new ideas and suggestions. Feel free to join our Discord server and share your thoughts with us.

You found a bug?

If you found a bug, please open a ticket in our discord server. We will fix it as soon as possible.

How to use Hex colors or Gradients?

You can use hex colors or gradients everywhere in the plugin. Follow the format below:

  • Hex colors: <#RRGGBB>, e.g. <#FF0000> for red.
  • Gradients: <gradient:#RRGGBB:#RRGGBB>, e.g. <gradient:#FF0000:#00FF00> for a gradient from red to green.

Does FairyVaults support NBT data?

Yes, FairyVaults supports NBT data. You can store items with custom NBT data in your vaults.

We're using the same methods like normal Spigot use for reading and writing NBT data.

Do you support custom textures and models?

Yes, FairyVaults supports custom textures and models. You can use any resource pack with custom textures and models for your vaults.

To learn more about how to use those in items & titles, check out the menu basics page.